
EMCheck ISMZ I | EMC - Measuring clamp for leakage, shielding and interference currents 122010022

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Detecting parasitic currents intelligently

There are often undesirable interactions between power supply and control technology in complex industrial systems that might cause errors in control engineering. The intelligent current measuring clamp EMCheck®ISMZ I is a mobile tool for detecting line-based parasitic currents in industrial plants. It detects values by its own, evaluates and records data.

The integrated intelligence allows first surveys and hence first estimations of EMC susceptibility of plants without drawing on special tools. On the basis of the captured measuring data, a large variety of malfunctions can be adequately analyzed. Therefore, the need to use more sophisticated devices, and to call in a qualified expert can be reduced to a small number of incidents.

EMCheck® ISMZ I Advantages

  • Measuring leakage, shielding and interference currents
  • Data recorded on internal memory for a period of up to 14 days
  • Compact, portable, battery-operated current clamp
  • Easy display and menu functions to asses existing current levels for a cable
  • Data evaluation by dedicated software on a standard PC
  • Additional storage medium in the form of a removable SD memory card

Intelligent capture of sporadic interference peaks - mobile or stationary

To analyze a current course, it is important to know the amplitudes of the current. With the EMCheck® ISMZ I and the EMV-INspektor® V2, currents can be scanned at 40 kHz or 50 kHz. For each scan point, you also obtain the amplitude in order to realize a meaningful analysis. The current data recorded in the devices can be easily accessed with the free EMCheck® View software.

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