
OPTIrep F1 SM-SC Fiber Optic Converter | 110031012

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Fiber optic converters

The PROFIBUS fiber optic converters of the OPTIrep series are used for connecting PROFIBUS segments via fiber optic cables with a distance up to 30 km. The system can be used for line structures as well as for redundant ring structures. The integrated diagnosis signals the quality of the connection similar to a traffic light via LED. If the “traffic light” is green, everything is fine. If the yellow LED lights, the power budget is still tolerable, but already below a defined limit value. This warning stage and other faulty states are also signaled by potential-free contact.

    Number of FO connections:
  • F1 = 1 connection
  • F2 = 2 connections
    Fiber type:
  • SM = Single Mode
  • MM = Multimode
  • SC = SC-Connector
  • ST = ST-Connector