
PBMA IP20 (PBMB + 90° PB Cable Outlet) | PROFIBUS Active measuring point 110080002

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Active measuring point PBMA IP20 (PBMB + 90° PROFIBUS Cable Outlet)

For communication analysis, whether during commissioning, maintenance or troubleshooting, a non-reactive measuring point is essential for connection of necessary diagnostic tools. Thus, you have access to your system at any time, also during operation, without interrupting the production. During planning process in PROFIBUS it is obligatory to consider suitable network access points for diagnosis.

For the purpose of physical determination of the signal-to-noise ratio of the PROFIBUS communication, non-interacting measuring points are required in every segment of a master system. These measuring points should be accessible during operation. To get optimal information on the physical transmission quality, the measuring points have to be provided at the two ends of a segment.

The PBMA type meets not only the requirements of a non-interacting measuring point but also fulfills the requirements and the function of an active bus termination. The Power LED signals the 24 V power supply required for the terminating resistor.

Diagnostic tools are connected according to the PG / diagnosis interface of the PROFIBUS connector. For a non-interacting connection of a programming device (laptop / field PG) the use of an active programming cable APKA or APKA II is basically recommended.

Bus connection

Electrical parameters
  • Baud rate: 9,6 kbps to 12 Mbps
  • Input voltage: 24 VDC (20-28 V, pole-proof)
  • Output voltage: 5 VDC / 200 mA short-circuit proof Pin 5 (GND) 6 (+)
  • Current drain: Type 30 mA
  • Voltage supply through screw terminals
  • Integrated terminating resistor, switching according to a sliding switch of the connector from outside

The connection of functional earth is necessary for the functioning of the PROFIBUS shield!

Ambient conditions
  • Operation temperature: 0 °C to +70 °C
  • Protective system: IP20

  • Dimension (H x W x D):
    • PBMA approx. 82 x 22,5 x 74 mm
    • PBMB approx. 82 x 22,5 x 40 mm
  • Weight: Approx. 116 g
  • Casing: Active adapter (PBMB) of plastic materials
  • Diagnostic plug Fast Connect: Zinc die casting
  • Diagnostic plug screw terminal: Plastic materials metallised
  • Fastening: Snapped on the DIN rail according to EN 50022

Example of Use

Example of how to use PBMA IP20 PROFIBUS Active Measuring Point 110080001

Engineering Drawing

Engineering drawing of the PBMA IP20 PROFIBUS Active Measuring Point 110080001
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