
PROFINET TAP | iPNMA - intelligent measuring point 114090200

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PROFINET iPNMA Measuring Point with Quality Parameters Analysis

The PROFINET iPNMA intelligent measuring point combines the functions of a PROFINET measuring point with simple PROFINET network analysis.

The iPNMA monitors up to 256 participants and determines the important PROFINET quality values. The recorded data are interrogated with the help of the software PROmanage® NT and processed for the evaluation in a comprehensible manner.

An analysis tool (e.g. PROFINET-INspektor® NT or Laptop) can be connected completely reaction-less to the two monitor jacks for a more thorough network analysis or troubleshooting.

PROFINET measuring point iPNMA Features

  • Monitoring all important PROFINET quality values
  • Reaction-less measurement point
  • Compact design
  • In case of a power supply failure, the PROFINET communication remains intact
  • Power supply of additional analytic tools via the UOUT (24 V DC) connector
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